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arttrav expat life italian wedding invitationsPerhaps the least normal thing about our wedding was the invitation because we had to make it bilingual Italian English and because I still hung on to an American idea of elaborate invitations My solution was to print an insert on semi opaque tracing paper that went inside the Italian invite Post Office Wedding Invitations mrsfancee lace doily diy wedding invitations3 Personalize and Format You can customize the invitation and rsvp by clicking in the text boxes and typing your wording For the wedding location text box on the invitation bottom right I adjusted the font spacing in order to make each line the same width You can adjust this as well by selecting the line of text right clicking selecting font then the advanced tab amazon Event Party Supplies InvitationsInvitation kit came on time inside was 50 invitations envelopes rsvp cards and the envelopes for them only if you are printing your own invitations you have to have micosoft words on your laptop or pc in order to use the templates the templates you can just copy and paste ur info for the envelopes as well the invitaions and rsvp cards
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